What you'll learn in this course
Welcome to the Healing School course with Evangelist Ankit Rambabu. In this course you will be personally trained by Evangelist Ankit Rambabu. You will learn the exact strategies and methods that ARB Ministries use in the area of Divine Healing and Mass Miracle Evangelism.
You can see all the lessons in the Course contents. Click on the first lesson to get started.
A lesson consists of an instructional video, reading materials, and a quiz. Every lesson starts with a video in which Ankit teaches the most important information. To improve your learning retention, we strongly advise you to make your own notes while watching the videos, and then revisit the information in the reading materials. You can then test your learning in the quiz.
Course Requirements
You must spend a lot of time praying in tongues to get the most out of this course. We strongly insist on at least two hours per day, every day. If this is too much in the beginning, try for at least 30 minutes and build yourself up to pray for longer. This is completely up to you to be accountable for. To receive the most out of this course, and from God, you can do it!
Good luck!
Evangelist Ankit and Team ARB